All his former friends have cast him aside because he dares to demand such things from them. They don't want to wait for pleasure, that would be the end of the world. Everything glorious in life should be handed to them on a silver platter. Everything in life should be free. They should not have to work for anything. They despise Patience, because he does not echo their delusional fantasies.

Government likewise is a mess because of our lack of patience. If people were patient, then maybe they would give solutions the time of day that in the long run will benefit everyone but in the short run may cost us a lot. The short term is always benefited over the longterm, to our detriment. Think about it, when planning out your finances, its best to think what your long term needs are. However, most don't. Most splurge their paycheck and go into debt, because it is the now that matters to them, not tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, they will regret their decision.
Ultimately I believe our lack of patience is directly related to our affluence. Time is expensive now. We are used to buying things instantly, and with purchasable commodities that is fine. However, we have lost our way with the intangibles that one cannot buy. Friendship cannot be bought. One has to work hard to build a friendship. No matter how much money you make, you can only make friends by investing time into them. Likewise, some problems require time to fix. Our society cannot buy away every problem with money. Some things simply take time, and no amount of money can change that. A plant takes so long to grow up, and no amount of money can change that. Likewise, some problems take a long time to solve, and no amount of money can change that. If Patience was our friend, then nothing could stand in our way. Lets regain his friendship before it is too late.
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